I guess you could say that something completely broke in my brain after watching this. Even though I was young, I started planning for what seemed like the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Since our house had a two-story flight of stairs to the front door and we had no windows on the back (well, except for my small window), I figured we would be pretty safe. Even though the front of our house was covered with windows, I could not see how the zombies would be able to manage the stairs. And, if all else failed, the four of us could crowd onto my loft bed and survive. However, the ability of four people to live on the bed didn't really enter into the equation.
As you can guess, this passion followed me throughout my life. I would scrape together money in order to rent the newest Romero movie to hit the shelves. And I was so excited when Shaun of the Dead hit the theaters. I told my husband he didn't have a choice and had to come with me. We even spent one Christmas Eve watching movies like Fido! When I was considering graduate school, I seriously toyed with the idea of writing my master's thesis on the Romero flicks and throwing in a little psycho-analytic theory to sweeten the deal.
With all of this in mind, imagine my excitement when I started noticing zombie books on the shelves at our local Hastings! I practically did a victory dance in the middle of the store. My first zombie book was the Breathers by S.G. Browne. It opened an amazing door! And, even after some good zombie books, it is still my all time favorite!
Sadly, even though I love zombies, I am better versed in the movies than the books. And I hope to remedy that!
Starting the beginning of February, I begin a new job as an emergency dispatcher. In celebration of the soon to be zombie status, I decided to make this month ZOMBIE MONTH! I plan on reading as many zombie books as I can while working the late shift and finding awesome authors who are willing to write guests posts!
As the opener of ZOMBIE MONTH, I picked First Days by Rhiannon Frater. This book caught my attention a few years ago, but I failed to buy it. So, as an apology for never getting around to reading it, it has found its way to the top of my zombie list!
Let's the festivities of ZOMBIE MONTH begin!
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