About Sinnful Books
I started this website January 1, 2011. After graduating with my degree in August of 2010, I struggled trying to find a job. Unfortunately, in this economy and living in a university town, there weren't any pickings. Even though I was excited to finally graduate and be done with school, I found I was still missing it. Occasionally I would write reviews for 50bookchallenge on Livejournal. I decided that, given my degree and love of books, I would start a website devoted to book reviews. At times, I have not kept up with it due to life changes; however, it has given me great joy to spend my time doing what I love: READING!The Bibliophage
I love music. Great Big Sea will always be my constant. Even though I've listened to them tons, they still make me want to sing at the top of my lungs. My favorite word is "Heebie-jeebies," and I find myself randomly quoting Jay, "snoochie-boochies" and Monty Python, "It IS the rabbit!" I will never become a Kindle user -- something about breaking the spine of a book for the first time, smelling the print, and reading during a bubble bath. My video games give me an outlet for geekiness. Batman will be my ultimate superhero, but Remy LeBeau will have my heart. Things I like include: reading graphic novels, drawing and doodling all over class notes, anime, high heels and ridiculous platform heels, girly skulls, black and hot pink, rockabilly, drinking breves, pin ups, Betty Page, soft blankets, and cold sheets when I first get into bed.
I am annoyed when people walk into class late, women wearing incorrect bra sizes, pushy "wrong number" calls, shorthand internet slang (especially when it finds its way into polite society), the banned book list, gristle, and burnt coffee.
I am pierced and tattooed. I feel that my body is a canvas, and I love having living works of art on my body. I desperately want a labret piercing, but gum erosion is not worth it. I have four tattoos: Japanese kanji meaning "wolf" on my right forearm, Batgirl covering my right shoulder blade, the Cheshire Cat on my chest with his famous line "We're All Mad Here", and half-sleeve of Death and Delirium from Sandman by Neil Gaiman. I don't see my desire for tattoos to be sated any time soon.
I live in Wyoming. I have BA in English with a minor in History. I warp young minds for a living.
Some Credits:
Listed below are some of the resources I used for creating past layouts. The current theme was made by the wonderful Zoe of Chic & Sassy Designs. DO NOT USE any of the graphics associated with Sinnful Books unless given permission! Aside from the Theme Song Saturday and new Teaser Tuesday graphic, the meme graphics are made by their host. Unless otherwise stated, all graphics are copyright to Sinnful Designs, Inc.
- 123RF Stock Photos for my vectors
- Background Labs for my background
- Social Media icons