On Tuesday and Friday of last week, I sat down with an awesome friend, and we started playing through Leon and Helena's campaign in Resident Evil 6! It was freaking awesome to spend hours with my first video game crush ;) Seriously, how could any girl resist the complete awesomeness that is Leon S. Kennedy?
As a rule, I am really horrible at shooters, so I avoided this game. However, this is the first game Leon has been in for awhile, and I desperately wanted to play. My dear friend has beat all of the campaigns and offered to come over play it with me. Taking Helena, he has helped me get through the first three levels. But, even with my complete ineptitude when it comes to shooters, I keep getting a B rating on each level and managed to pull a gold ranking for five consecutive head shots twice! w00t! I have found that I am pretty good with the sniper rifle and melee attacks. *squee* I cannot wait for us to get back to the game! Oh, and on a side note, once you beat a campaign, you can play as a zombie in another Live player's campaign! To me, that is icing on the cake :)
Lovelies, this game is so awesome that I asked him to set up a time once or twice a week for us to slowly work through all of the campaigns together @_@

And, if this isn't enough, reading, watching The Doomsday Preppers, and playing Resident Evil 6, I find myself having weird dreams/nightmares of trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. On Tuesday, my night was spent trying to find food and ammo, keeping my loved ones safe, and so on. Every time I went back to sleep after waking up to let the dogs outside, I went right back into that same dream! Even with approximately eight hours of sleep under my belt, I felt more tired when I woke up than when I went to bed! Friday night had me standing by Leon's side (*insert stupid grin*) fighting off a horde of zombies!
With that, I promise to have a review of The Way We Fall up later today! With all of my focus on the apocalypse, I need to head to the gym. Remember, the first rule of the zombie apocalypse is cardio ;)
Hey, if you're interested in hooking up on Resident Evil 6 sometime or other games, leave me a comment if you want my Live gamer tag :)
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