- Shaun of the Dead —When this movie hit the theaters, I didn't give my poor husband and option of whether or not we would be attending. Unfortunately, our local theater didn't bring it, so we traveled about an hour to find one that was showing it. As soon as the movie hit the racks, I bought it! Honestly, it is my all-time go-to favorite zombie movie! Because of it, Simon Pegg is one of my favorite actors.
- Zombieland — This one seems to be a favorite of zombie buffs. The rules nearly brought me to tears! I find them to be extremely practical in most circumstances. And how can you resist a zombie movie will Bill Murray?
- The Last Man on Earth — I admit, I watched I Am Legend before seeing this movie. However, while my dad was visiting a few years ago, we pulled this DVD out. This movie really questions human nature and whether zombies are always bad. Vincent Price will always be my favorite horror actor!
- Dawn of the Dead — The remake with Sarah Polly is my favorite. The zombie baby is exceptionally creepy. I love the guy across the street in the weapons store and taking shots at the zombies for pleasure. And how could you not love the awesome zombie-mobiles they create?
- Planet Terror — I have no idea how to describe this movie. It is action packed, full of blood and guts, and a sexy girl with a gun for a leg! How could you possibly go wrong?
- Walk Like a Zombie by the HorrorPops — When I first put their CD into my player, I didn't pay too much attention to the song list. After a minute, I realized that I was listening to a rockin' zombie love song. It incorporates the Addam's Family, howling at the moon, and walks in the graveyard at night. Plus the rockabilly upright base makes it that much better! And, to make it that much better, I got the opportunity to see it in concert!!
- I Walked With a Zombie by Wednesday 13 — I'm not even sure where to begin on this song. I just absolutely love it. It's horror punk, so it's a little weird. That being said, it is hilarious!
- Zombie Love Song by Your Favorite Martian — It's Ray William Johnson, is there anything else I can say?
- Zombie A Go Go by Captain Clegg — This is just a cute, throw-back to the 60s song.
Those are my top picks. What are yours?