Author: Karen Marie Moning
Genre: Paranormal romance, urban fantasy
Pages: Hardback, 304
Published: 2006
Opening Lines: "My philosophy is pretty simple -- any day nobody's trying to kill me is a good day in my book."
"McKayla Lane's life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that breaks down only every other week or so. In other words, she's your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman.
"Or so she thinks . . . until something extraordinary happens.
"When she sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death -- a cryptic message on Mac's cell phone -- mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister's killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed -- a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae."~ Jacket copy
Thoughts: A friend of mind suggested this series to me quite some time ago. To be honest, I picked up the book several times, but never really did much more. However, last week, my father informed me that he had just finished the wholes series and loved it. I was intrigued (Honestly, I'm still wondering why he enjoyed it . . . *scratches head*). Luckily, being poor and out of work, the library had it! Score!
I felt that Moning did a good job researching faery lore. Seriously considering getting advanced degrees in Medieval Studies, I have taken some heavy-duty mythology courses, Arthurian legends, etc., so I am extremely familiar with this subject matter. It was refreshing to see that she actually put the time into her book. I also appreciated that she checked the pronunciation sidhe. I admit, I am a stickler with a stick up my ass *^_^* Anyways, I also appreciated that she was careful not to label the Seelie court as "good". However, the concept of the Fae being aliens was rather strange and a bit different.
Aside from that, I really didn't like the characters. Mac was downright annoying! My mother says, "Honey, she's a Southern Bell." I think that is letting her get off easily and an insult to Southern Bells. Yes, Mac has not been out in the world, but common sense shouldn't be that hard to come by. To be honest, I really cannot stand that in characters. It makes it impossible for me to feel any connection to them.
And don't get me started on Jericho Barrons! He is the typical hero in romance: devilish good looks, closed-off, out for number one, older, wiser, teacher, mysterious back story, exotic, aloof, and a complete asshole! All he has going for him is the mysterious back story. I kept wondering when something might crop up that would give some hint as to his identity, but it never happened. Even though he seems to understand what is occurring in Mac's changing world, I don't understand why she runs to him. After the encounter where she is staying, she should have written him off. This isn't even touching how he treats her through the rest of the book.
Now the sex. Um, yeah . . . Getting masturbated by a "death-by-sex" Fae in a public museum with a pearl bracelet/necklace is a little much for me. I understand this extremely sexual turn-on these Fae possess, but it was a little too gratuitous for me. And the whole museum scene was in bad taste. (This right here is why I wonder why my dad enjoyed this series.)
The premise behind the plot was good. It has a LOT of potential, and I really like the concept. I think she could have done a lot with it, but I felt that it really flopped. It is possible I am reading this wrong. More of the story could be about Mac coming to terms with her new life, but it still felt "bleh".
All that being said, I have read several poor reviews of this book that are prefaced as saying the rest of the series is good. And, since I enjoy the concept, I am planning on finishing it. So, even though I am not impressed by the first book, I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆
Currently: Matched by Ally Condie
Pages: 9604
Horror/Urban Fantasy Challenge: 16/24
Current Progress:
28/50 books

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